May 1 • Nominations are actively sought by the National Officials Hall of Fame Committee. June 15 • All nominations are due to the Chair of the National Officials Hall of Fame Committee. June 30 • Compilation of nominations information is completed. NOTE that this includes the carry-over nominations from previous years which were not elected. Names will remain in consideration for a maximum three (3) years without a new nominating form being submitted preparation of the nomination by the Chair and delivery to members of the Officials Hall of Fame Committee. July 15 • Deadline for preparation of the slate of nominees. July 29 • Preparation of the voting is completed. Information is sent to the voters who have a vote in the National Officials Committee as of July 1 and those who have already been inducted into the Officials Hall of Fame including the resumes of those nominated for review by the voters. August 1 • Instructions sent to the voters to cast their votes electronically for selection into the Hall of Fame. August 5 - 20 • Electronic voting if open. August 21 • Voting closes and results of the electronically cast votes are sent to the Chair of the Hall of Fame Committee. August 25 • Chair of the Hall of Fame Committee reviews the results and provides those results to the Awards Committee Chair, the Hall of Fame Committee and the Chair of the National Officials Committee. September 6 • Chair of the Officials Hall of Fame sends letter of congratulation and regrets to those nominated. September Newsletter • Provides press release of those who will be inducted into the Hall of Fame for that year at the USATF Annual Meeting, Officials Banquet.