Effective Date: January 1, 2007 Last Revised: February 04, 2024 The USATF Code of Ethics (“Code”) applies to its employees, Board of Directors, officers, members, independent contractors, volunteers, and chairs and members of committees, sub-committees, councils, task forces, and any other decision-making body of USATF. The Code became effective on January 1, 2007. The wellness and safety of our athletes is of paramount importance. Every member of USATF is responsible for ensuring a safe environment for which our athletes can train and compete. This Code is intended to work conjunctively with the USA Track & Field Safe Sport Handbook, and sets the ethical standard for USATF and its membership. Further, because USATF operates in the public spotlight and is expected to conduct business on an ethical basis, we must ensure that our leadership never puts, nor is it perceived to have put, personal interests ahead of or in conflict with the interests of USATF. No Code of Ethics can substitute for each person's own internal sense of fairness, honesty, and integrity. Therefore, it is important that every person representing USATF support the values and principles that are critical to USATF's continuing tradition of excellence. This Code is not designed to address how to handle misconduct or abusive behaviors; however, the USATF Safe Sport Handbook provides guidance and mandatory reporting requirements for sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, as well as harassment, bullying, and hazing incidents. For purposes of this Code, a violation of any of the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s policies is a violation of the USATF Code of Ethics. Additionally, SafeSport misconduct may be reported anonymously on our website, via text at (833) 9-USATF (987-2834), or by phone to the U.S. Center for SafeSport at 720-531-0340. A USATF Whistleblower Hotline (317-713-4702) or via text at (317-518-0629) is available to report concerns related to the Code of Ethics. The USATF General Counsel, along with the Ethics Committee, is always available to answer questions.
It is of major importance to USATF that its leadership create a "tone at the top" that promotes ethical conduct throughout USATF. This requires that "Responsible Persons" (as defined below) maintain their independence when conducting USATF business and not use their positions to further their own, a friend's, or "Family Member's" (as defined below) personal interest. To ensure continued confidence in USATF leadership in the sport of athletics in the United States and internationally, and because we operate in the public spotlight, we are expected to conduct our affairs on a basis consistent with the great trust that has been placed in us. This requires that our behavior conform to the highest ethical principles. For these reasons, USATF requires all Board of Directors, independent contractors, volunteers, and chairs and members of committees, sub-committees, councils, task forces, and any other decision-making body of USATF, but especially "Responsible Persons," to conduct business with integrity and to maintain a standard of ethical conduct consistent with the laws and regulations of all countries and jurisdictions in which USATF conducts business, as well as all of USATF’s established policies and procedures. Furthermore, because the appearance of impropriety can be just as damaging as actual impropriety, conduct which appears to be improper is also unacceptable. The policies set forth in the following provisions are intended to guide the conduct and business activities and other matters involving, directly or indirectly, USATF. The Code of Ethics is intended to inspire all of us to be at our best, encourage voluntary compliance, disclosure of actual or potential conflicts, and informal resolution. The Code is not all inclusive, as not every expectation or circumstance respecting proper and ethical business conduct can be anticipated; however, it should be used as a guide by all employees, Board of Directors, officers, independent contractors, volunteers, members, and chairs and members of committees, sub-committees, councils, task forces, and any other decision-making body of USATF when conducting business.